Philip J. Viverito

Author: James Birdseye
Copyright: June 1, 2011
Page count: 34
ISBN-10: 1889584312
ISBN-13: 978-1889584317
Retail price: $18.00 USD

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Snipers! Duck, Dodge and Shoot

SNIPERs! is designed to commemorate the hard fighting that took place in Italy during World War II. The German troops faced a determined Allied attack that came over difficult terrain in terrible conditions of cold, rain, snow, heat and dust. The advantages lay with the defender and that made the attacks costly and time consuming. Often both sides seemed to be in a quagmire that sapped morale and destroyed equipment and devoured manpower. In the end, the Allies prevailed, but their sacrifice, valor and victory were overshadowed by the D-Day landings and the campaigns in France and Germany.

This game system is fast to learn, fun to play and reflective of the realities of warfare of the Second World War. The user will not have to invest in large armies or costly terrain pieces. With a little skill and some imagination players will be able to recreate and reenact some of the most difficult kinds of combat faced by American GI's, the Canadian Armed Services and the famous British Tommies. House to house fighting against one of the most cunning and deadly enemies of the Twentith Century; The Nazis. So What do others say?

“At the Siege of Augusta convention in 2011, I was surprised at the interest of young and old in this game system Jim has come-up with. The games went on pretty fast lasting perhaps and hour. So it was game after game at the Siege. I was impressed with Jim and his system. It made the 835 mile trip worth while and exciting to see such play. The highlight of the show.”

~Philip Viverito (author of Classical Hack).