Philip J. Viverito

Author: Scott Monsour
Copyright: November 2004
Page count: 36
ISBN-10: 1889584169
ISBN-13: 978-1889584164
Retail Price: $22.00 USD

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Rally 'Round the Flag

Rally Round The Flag is a fast paced easy to understand game system for use in the time of The American Civil War 1861 to 1865.

Scott Monsour has captured the historical flavor of one of America’s bloodiest conflicts and in doing so has created a truly unique game system for use with miniatures (both 15 mm and 25 mm scales).

This book supplies the gamer with army organizations and morale rating for regiments, brigades, divisions and corps for both Confederate and Union armies.

Command structure and leadership are an integral part of the system design. Movement and Combat are deftly handled in a simple yet accurate method, easy to understand and fast in play. The reader is supplied with two game scenarios which include orders of battle, command ratings and battle maps.