Philip J. Viverito

Author: Russ Lockwood
Copyright: June 30, 2009
Page count: 40
ISBN-10: 1889584266
ISBN-13: 978-1889584263
Retail price: $29.00 USD

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Hyperspace Hack

Ultrafast Spaceship Fleet Battles with Miniatures

This game is designed for two to twenty players. You can control 50 ships or more. The rules are simple yet subtle for fleet sized actions. The rules include a one page Quick Reference Sheet. Players can rate crews from raw to elite. The rules cover task force and armada morale. Players can ram, board or shoot enemies. Yes ships can be reaired. There is a oint system for tournament play, scenarios and campaigns. The point system also allows for balanced scenarios. There is also an option for three sided battles, crew promotions and planet killing lasers!

Russ Lockwood is most famous for creating a former on line site which provided miniature gamers with an enormous information data base of magazines and e-books. In addition to his web achievements Lookwood is now pursuing writing and designing both books and game systems. Other titles include Snappy Nappy. Contributions to various magazines such as MWAN and Historical Miniature Gamer.